The daily production of Ainoxin Vietnam

Announcer: Release time:2021-08-17

Pursue dreams without fear of hardships,

 work hard to create a win-win future

"Ainoxin Vietnam" column

Take you into our home

Discover new energy

In 2020, a new type of coronavirus pneumonia broke out

Until now, the epidemic in Vietnam has not yet completely stabilized

But the Ainoxin people who stick to Vietnam

Still struggling in my post every day

Perseverance, full responsibility

In order to comprehensively improve the professional knowledge of employees

We have been continuously adopting centralized teaching methods

To fully stimulate the passion of all employees to catch up

It's a sunny day

Take you into the production workshop of "Vietnam Ainoxin"

Let you experience production from zero distance

Look at those serious and rigorous friends

How to work happily

Character introduction: Machine-added header (cutting&drilling&forming&V-Cut); V? Thanh L??ng Wu Qingliang

They are the guardians of Ainoxin

I have been silently holding on to my post

There are 10 years of work, 9 years of work, and 8 years of work...

They are always the solid and stable force of Ainoxin

A team that cannot be urged

Where there is a mission, they are there on standby

Character introduction: CAM supervisor Ngy?n V?n Toàn Ruan Wenquan

A group of people, one mind

The self-confidence on the face, the bone melted into the blood

This is the sign of Ainoxin people

Through continuous deepening of each process

Continuously carry out management optimization

Achieved significant production and operation management results

Realize the highly effective cooperation of man, machine and material

One by one skilled work skills, all show their work efficiency

Character introduction: Exposure Technician Nguy?n Th? Hoa Nguyen Thihua

Each process is strictly implemented in accordance with the operating process

Achieve production goals with maximum efficiency

Character introduction: Solder Mask (Solder Mask-Characters-Punch-Surface Treatment) Ph?m Xuan Hà Fan Chunhe

Passionate and responsible

Unite as one, work side by side

To create a good production atmosphere

Ainoxen’s family members interpret the strength of unity with practical actions

Let us know, actually, we are not the same

Character introduction: FQC team leader Nguy?n Th? Van Nguyen Thiyun

Ainoxin Vietnam continues to serve customers

Continuous improvement, fruitful

Always implement

"Customer-centric, goal-oriented" concept

Strive for maximum benefit

Character introduction: Laboratory team leader (Laboratory & IQC) Nguy?n Th? Mai Ph??ng Ruan Shifangmei

Character introduction: Quality Manager Ph?m Th? Ph??ng Fan Shifeng

You are the most respectable people

Obey needs, obey distribution

You are the most combatable

Competent position, specializing in skills

You are the most admirable people

Love and dedication, dedicated and dedicated

This is the result of the efforts of every Ainoxen person

Here, to every family who pays silently

Said: "Thank you!

In the days to come

We continue to work together and move forward together