3.8 Women's Day | Women's Day greeting card fromInorsen! Please sign for

Announcer: Release time:2021-03-08


International Women's Day


Bing Xin once said

If there were no women in the world

This world has to lose at least five tenths of the truth

Six tenths of goodness, seven tenths of beauty

Tribute to the beautiful goddess

I know you

Will be in the office of the Inorsen Building

Buried in the research of PCB, reaped fruitful results

I know you

Will be in the circuit board production workshop with saturated orders

Wipe off my sweat a little and return to work

I know you

Will be in the dormitory at midnight

Analyze customer needs professionally and reply in time

I know everything you have done at Inorsen

I respect you who poured fruit with labor and sweat

Thank you in Inorsen


March 8

This is your holiday

Inorsen wishes you: